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100+ Physics MCQs for Competitive Exams [Free PDF]

100+ Physics MCQs for Competitive Exams

Here, we’ve provided 100+ Physics MCQs for Competitive Exams like UPSC, State PSC, SSC, RRB, NDA, CDS & other exams.

Physics is an integral part of General Science and plays a vital role in competitive exams. If you are preparing for competitive exams like UPSC, State PSC, SSC, RRB, NDA, CDS, etc. then you should practice these 100+ Physics MCQ Questions and Answers to boost your preparation level.

We’ve included those questions here which are important and which have been asked previously in various competitive exams. So, here’s the Physics MCQs for competitive exams

Q1. By the material, light can transmit without any loss, known as
(a) Translucent
(b) Opaque
(c) Transparent
(d) Vitreous
A. (b)
B. (d)
C. (a)
D. (c)
Ans: D


Q2. Water droplets cause rainbow due to

(a) Reflection of sunlight

(b) Refraction of sunlight

(c) Reflection & refraction of sunlight

(d) Diffusion of sunlight

A. (d)

B. (b)

C. (a)

D. (c)

Ans: D


Q3. When a person can see only nearby objects, the condition is called______

A. Hypermetropia

B. Astigmatism

C. Myopia

D. Retinopathy

Ans: C


Q4. _________ is the SI unit of force?

(A) Kelvin

(B) Newton

(C) Pascal

(D) Volt

A. (C)

B. (D)

C. (B)

D. (A)

Ans: C


Q5. The time taken by a pendulum to complete one oscillation is called its?

A. Maximum speed

B. Average speed

C. Time period

D. Time interval

Ans: C


Q6. How many millimeters make ten kilometers?

A. 1010

B. 109

C. 108

D. 107

Ans: D


Q7. ‘Gallon’ is commonly used_______

A. To refer to speed.

B. To refer to a container.

C. As a measure of volume

D. To express containers in terms of barrel.

Ans: C


Q8. A moving body definitely possesses

(a) Kinetic energy

(b) Potential energy

(c) Mechanical energy

(d) Heat energy

A. (c)

B. (b)

C. (d)

D. (a)

Ans: D


Q9. If the speed of an object moving along a straight line is constant, its motion is said to be ___________

A. Uniform

B. Periodic

C. Circular

D. Non-uniform

Ans: A


Q10. Which of the following colour has the least wavelength?

(a) Green

(b) Blue

(c) Red

(d) Violet

A. (a)

B. (b)

C. (d)

D. (c)

Ans: C


Q11. Sound waves are ______ waves

(a) Pressure

(b) Longitudinal

(c) Electromagnetic

(d) Mechanical

A. (c)

B. (d)

C. (b)

D. (a)

Ans: C


Q12. The principle of changing magnetic field which produces an electric current in a wire is used in _______

(a) Electric bell

(b) Electric generator

(c) Electromagnets

(d) Magnetic compass

A. (a)

B. (b)

C. (c)

D. (d)

Ans: B


Q13. What is the unit of length used informally to express astronomical distances?

(a) Petameters

(b) Parsecs

(c) Light Years

(d) Hubble Length

A. (d)

B. (c)

C. (a)

D. (b)

Ans: B


Q14. Knife is an example for

(a) Lever

(b) Wedge

(c) Inclined plane

(d) Pulley

A. (b)

B. (c)

C. (a)

D. (d)

Ans: A


Q15. If the mass of an object is 60 kgs, what will be its weight on the moon? (N=Newton)

A. 60N

B. 600N

C. 98N

D. 10N

Ans: C


Q16. Which of the following is not a vector quantity?

(a) Motion/impulse

(b) Gravitation of force

(c) Electric flow

(d) Displacement

A. (b)

B. (d)

C. (c)

D. (a)

Ans: C


Q17. Optical Character Reader is an example of which type of device?

(a) Output device

(b) Input device

(c) Interface device

(d) Storage device

A. (d)

B. (b)

C. (a)

D. (c)

Ans: B


Q18. The distance from Earth to the sun is measured in __________

(a) Light years

(b) Astronomical unit.

(c) Kelvin

(d) Joule

A. (d)

B. (a)

C. (b)

D. (c)

Ans: C


Q19. Which type of waves is used to penetrate hard objects at hospitals and Airports

(a) Sound waves

(b) X-Ray

(c) Electromagnetic

(d) Mechanics

A. (a)

B. (b)

C. (d)

D. (c)

Ans: B


Q20. What is mass per unit volume?

(a) Force

(b) Work

(c) Density

(d) Pressure

A. (a)

B. (c)

C. (b)

D. (d)

Ans: B


Q21. The side mirrors of vehicles are of_______type of mirrors?

A. Convex

B. Concave

C. Plane

D. Inverted

Ans: A


Q22. What is the theory behind stars twinkling?

(A) The refractive index of the different layers of earth’s atmosphere changes continuously, consequently the position of the star’s image changes with time.

(B) The intensity of light emitted by them changes with time

(C) The light from the star is scattered by the dust particles and air molecules in the earth’s atmosphere

(D) The distance of the stars from the earth changes with time

A. (D)

B. (C)

C. (B)

D. (A)

Ans: D


Q23. Study the following statements and choose right option.

(i) To know this, a star is comes to us or goes too far away.

(ii) To know about the drawbacks of internal parts of storerooms of oil and minerals

(a) (i) and (ii) are applications of resonance principle.

(b) (i) is from Doppler effect and (ii) is from Reverberation principle

(c) (i) is reverberation principle and (ii) is Doppler effect.

(d) (i) and (ii) both are Doppler effect.

A. (b)

B. (d)

C. (a)

D. (c)

Ans: A


Q24. What will be the effect of a moving lift on a person’s mass?

(a) It will increase

(b) It will decrease

(c) It will remain constant

(d) It may increase or decrease

A. (a)

B. (d)

C. (b)

D. (c)

Ans: D


Q25. Spacecraft needs a speed of over ____ to escape Earth’s gravity

(a) 40,000 km/hr.

(b) 40,270 km/hr.

(c) 42,326 km/hr.

(d) 41,721 km/hr.

A. (b)

B. (a)

C. (c)

D. (d)

Ans: A


Q26. Which of the following is not an electrical conductor?

(a) Porcelain

(b) Aluminium

(c) Tungsten

(d) Nickel

A. (d)

B. (a)

C. (b)

D. (c)

Ans: B


Q27. While watching 3D movies at the theatre, we have to wear special glasses because _________

(a) The glasses allow our left and right eyes to see different images

(b) 3-D movies special colors which cannot be sensed by the human eye

(c) 3-D movies are brighter than ordinary movies and can hurt our eyes if seen directly.

(d) The glasses allow both the eyes to see similar images

A. (d)

B. (a)

C. (c)

D. (b)

Ans: B


Q28. The force of friction between two surfaces will increase if_______

A. A layer of lubricant is kept between the two surfaces

B. The two surfaces are pressed harder

C. Air gap is created between the two surfaces

D. Irregularities on both the surfaces are removed

Ans: B


Q29. Infra-red rays are

(a) Longitudinal waves

(b) Transverse waves

(c) Mechanical waves

(d) Electromagnetic waves

A. (a)

B. (b)

C. (d)

D. (c)

Ans: C


Q30. Which of the following is true?

(a) Image formed at retina is inverted

(b) Image formed at retina is twice of original image

(c) Image formed at retina is similar or original Image

(d) Image formed at retina is small

A. (d)

B. (a)

C. (b)

D. (c)

Ans: B


Q31. What is an Electron?

(a) A subatomic particle with a net charge, that is neutral.

(b) A subatomic particle with a net charge that is positive.

(c) A subatomic particle with a net charge that is negative.

(d) A subatomic particle with a net charge that is zero.

A. (c)

B. (b)

C. (a)

D. (d)

Ans: A


Q32. Out of the following, which one does NOT have magnetic properties like a permanent magnet?

(a) Nickel

(b) Iron

(c) Aluminium

(d) Lodestone

A. (a)

B. (b)

C. (c)

D. (d)

Ans: D


Q33.If resistance of a circuit is doubled then to maintain the same voltage, flow of current in the circuit will

(a) Increase by Half

(b) Decrease by Half

(c) Remain constant

(d) Becomes zero

A. (b)

B. (c)

C. (d)

D. (a)

Ans: A


Q34. Contact force is another name for_________

A. Friction

B. Magnetic force

C. Electrostatic force

D. Muscular force

Ans: A


Q35. NuSTART space-based X-ray telescope conducts deep survey for

(a) Comets

(b) Black holes

(c) Planets

(d) Asteroids

A. (d)

B. (a)

C. (b)

D. (c)

Ans: C


Q36. Which Indian Researcher recently disputed Einstein’s mass-energy equation E = mc2 as inadequate and valid only under certain conditions

(a) Vasudevan Mukunth

(b) Rajendra Pachauri

(c) Ajay Sharma

(d) Krishna Palem

A. (a)

B. (c)

C. (d)

D. (b)

Ans: B


Q37. The sub-atomic particles which show property opposite to the general subatomic particles, are called:

(a) Positrons

(b) Antimatter

(c) Photons

(d) Neutrinos

A. (c)

B. (a)

C. (b)

D. (d)

Ans: B


Q38. Which of the following statements is wrong about CV Raman?

(a) He was honoured with Bharat Ratna in 1954

(b) He won Nobel Prize in 1930

(c) He was born in Tamil Nadu in 1888

(d)  He was knighted in 1987

A. (b)

B. (c)

C. (d)

D. (a)

Ans: C


Q39. Above which level of noise is a cause of hearing loss and damage?

A. Approx 80 Decibels

B. Approx 130 Decibels

C. Approx 150 Decibles

D. Approx 180 Decibles

Ans: A


Q40. Which process divides the light of sun into its component colours?

(a) Refraction

(b) Reflection

(c) Retraction

(d) Radiation

A. (a)

B. (d)

C. (c)

D. (b)

Ans: A


Q41. Which of the following is a conductor of electric charge?

(a) Glass

(b) Paper

(c) Copper

(d) Water

A. (d)

B. (a)

C. (b)

D. (c)

Ans: D


Q42. Pressure is measured in terms of-

(a) Mass and density

(b) Work done’

(c) Force and area

(d) Force and distance

A. (c)

B. (b)

C. (d)

D. (a)

Ans: A


Q43. The reflection formed by the plane mirror is ________

A. vertical inversion

B. a real image

C. lateral inversion

D. an enlarged image

Ans: C


Q44. Astronomical leap year measures in

(a) Leap Year

(b) Light year

(c) Mega Kilometer

(d) Nautical Mile

A. (c)

B. (b)

C. (a)

D. (d)

Ans: B


Q45. What is the unit of measure of a magnetic field?

A. Tesla

B. Ohm

C. Cobalt

D. Ampere

Ans: A


Q46. If frequency of wave increases, its wavelength

(a) Increases

(b) Decreases

(c) Remains constant

(d) Becomes infinite

A. (a)

B. (b)

C. (c)

D. (d)

Ans: B


Q47. The pressure of cabin of a flying aeroplane at height is

(a) Equal to outside

(b) Lower than outside

(c) More than outside

(d) Normal atmospheric pressure at sea level

A. (a)

B. (c)

C. (d)

D. (b)

Ans: B


Q48. The frictional force exerted by fluids is also called ________

A. drag

B. buoyancy

C. upthrust

D. convection

Ans: A


Q49. Pressure is measured in terms of

(a) Mass and Density

(b) Word done

(c) Force and Area

(d) Force and Distance

A. (d)

B. (b)

C. (c)

D. (a)

Ans: C


Q50. Which of the following is true about Glucometer?

(a) It is medical instrument

(b) It is non-medical instrument

(c) It is used to measure the oxygen level in air

(d) It is used to measure the nitrogen level in air.

A. (c)

B. (a)

C. (b)

D. (d)

Ans: B


Q51. The instrument used to regulate temperature to a particular degree is called

(a) Thermostat

(b) Thermometer

(c) Pyrometer

(d) Thermocouple

A. (c)

B. (a)

C. (d)

D. (b)

Ans: B


Q52. Which of the following branches of Physics related with the study of heat

(a) Optics

(b) Acoustics

(c) Thermodynamics

(d) Relativity

A. (a)

B. (c)

C. (b)

D. (d)

Ans: B


Q53. Which one of the following is a bad thermal conductor?

A. Aluminum

B. Copper

C. Glass

D. Silver

Ans: C


Q54. The energy derived from the heat of Earth is called ______

A. Biogas

B. Geothermal Energy

C. Solar Energy

D. Tidal Energy

Ans: B


Q55. On which principle TV remote controls work ?

A. Ultrasonic waves

B. Laser technology

C. Bluetooth technology

D. Infrared waves

Ans: D


Q56. Centigrade, which is unit of temperature is denoted on the name of:

(a) Kelvin

(b) Jean-Pierre Christin

(c) Marten Stromer

(d) Anders Celsius

A. (c)

B. (a)

C. (b)

D. (d)

Ans: D


Q57. Convex and concave mirrors are examples of________

A. plane mirrors

B. Spherical mirrors

C. Inverted mirror

D. Erect mirror

Ans: B


Q58. What does the kinetic energy of a moving body depend upon?

A. Weight and its position

B. Mass and its position

C. Mass and acceleration

D. Mass and Velocity

Ans: D


Q59. What is the other name of Galileo’s law of falling bodies?

A. Law of motion

B. Newton’s first law

C. Newton’s second law

D. Newton’s third law

Ans: B


Q60. The two kinds of Rotatory Motions are_____ and ______

A. Spin and Vibrational motion

B. Spin and Orbital motion

C. Spin and Translatory motion

D. Spin and Projectile motion

Ans: B


Q61. The SI unit of intensity of sound is _________

A. Decibel

B. Newton

C. Hertz

D. Tesla

Ans: A


Q62. On which of the following principle does the Optical fibre work ?

A. Reflection

B. Refraction

C. Diffraction

D. Total internal reflection

Ans: D


Q63. _________Phenomena shows the particle nature of light?

A. Diffraction

B. Interference

C. Photoelectric effect

D. Polarisation

Ans: C


Q64. What is the value of the Least Distance of Distinct vision (in cm) for a normal human being?

A. 2.5

B. 25

C. 58

D. 60

Ans: B


Q65. Which of the following is not a vector quantity?

A. Momentum

B. Displacement

C. Torque

D. Speed

Ans: D


Q66. What is the reason for formation of Mirage in desert?

A. Refract ion of light

B. Reflection of light

C. Total internal reflection of light

D. Both Refraction and Total internal

reflection of light

Ans: C


Q67. The phenomena of raising the outer edge of the curved roads above the inner edge to provide necessary centripetal force to the vehicles to take a safe turn is called ________

A. banking of roads

B. cornering of roads

C. elevation of roads

D. tempering of roads

Ans: A


Q68. The bending of light when it passes around a corner or a slit is due to ______

A. reflection

B. refraction

C. diffraction

D. total internal reflection

Ans: C


Q69. It is difficult to fix a nail on a freely suspended wooden frame, which law supports this statement?

A. Law of inertia

B. Newton’s second law

C. Newton’s third law

D. Pascal’s law

Ans: C


Q70. Convex mirror is generally used in _______

A. Solar cookers

B. ophthalmoscope

C. reflector for head light

D. rear view mirror

Ans: D


Q71. Water tank appear shallower when viewed from the top due to?

A. Reflection

B. Refraction

C. Diffraction

D. Total internal reflection

Ans: B


Q72. Soap bubble attains spherical shape due to ________

A. Inertia

B. Pressure

C. Surface tension

D. Viscosity

Ans: C


Q73. Magnetic resonance imaging is based on the phenomenon of

(a) nuclear magnetic resonance

(b) electron spin resonance

(c) electron paramagnetic resonance

(d) diamagnetism of human tissues

Ans: A


Q74. ‘God Particle’ is-

A. Neutrino

B. Higgs Boson

C. Meson

D. Positron

Ans: B


Q75. Which of the following is not correctly matched?

A. Potentiometer  –   E.M.F

B. Voltmeter         –   Potential difference

C. Ammeter          –   Electric Current

D. Galvanometer  –   Electric resistance

Ans: D


Q76. Due to which combination Rainbow is formed?

A. Refraction and absorption

B. Refraction and scattering

C. Dispersion and diffraction

D. Dispersion and total internal reflection

Ans: C


Q77. Rader was invented by-

A. Austin

B. Fleming

C. Bush Wall

D. Robert Watson

Ans: D


Q78. Select the correct statement 

The velocity of sound is:

(a) less in summer than in winter 

(b) more in summer than in winter 

(c) independent of seasons 

(d) same in winter and summer

Ans: B


Q79. Because of which force fat can be separated from milk in a cream separator?

A. Centripetal Force

B. Gravitational Force

C. Cohesive Force

D. Centrifugal Force

Ans: D


Q80. An atomic pile is used for

A. Producing X-rays

B. Conducting nuclear fission

C. Temperature

D. Conducting thermonuclear fission

Ans: B


Q81. Through which mode of propagation the radiowaves can be sent from one place to another?

A. Space wave propagation

B. Ground wave propagation

C. Sky wave propagation

D. All of the above

Ans: D


Q82. At a point inside a charged conductor, the

A. Electric field is zero

B. Potential is constant

C. Both A and B

D. Electric field is constant

Ans: C


Q83. When a soap bubble is charged,

A. It collapses

B. Its radius decreases

C. Its radius remains unchanged

D. Its radius increases

Ans: D


Q84. When detergent is added to water, the surface tension

A. Decreases

B. Increases

C. Remains unaffected

D. None of these

Ans: A


Q85. A electric heater, kept in vacuum, is heated continuously by passing electric current. Its temperature

A. Will go on rising with time

B. Will stop rising after some time as it will lose heat to the surrounding by conduction

C. Will become constant after some time because of loss of heat due to radiation

D. None of the above

Ans: C


Q86. The frictional force exerted by fluids is also called ________

A. drag

B. buoyancy

C. upthrust

D. convection

Ans: A


Q87. Which one of the following is not a property of electromagnetic waves?

A. Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves

B. Oscillating electric field and magnetic field are perpendicular to each other.

C. Electromagnetic waves do not show interference and diffraction

D. Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium to propagate.

Ans: C


Q88. The other name of Galileo’s law of falling bodies is ________

A. Newton’s second law

B. Newton’s third law

C. Law of motion

D. Newton’s first law

Ans: D


Q89. _______is the SI unit of pressure?

A. Henry

B. Pascal

C. Weber

D. Newton

Ans: B


Q90. Which among the following is a bad thermal conductor?

A. Glass

B. Copper

C. Aluminum

D. Silver

Ans: A


Q91. The pitch of a sound is determined by-

A. Wavelength

B. Loudness

C. Frequency

D. Amplitude

Ans: C


Q92. _________is the SI unit of frequency?

A. Hertz

B. Farad

C. Watt

D. Newton

Ans: A


Q93. When objects appear inverted and enlarged in a rear view mirror, then ________ type of mirror is used

A. Cylindrical

B. Convex

C. Concave

D. Plane

Ans: C


Q94. An athlete runs before long jump to get advantage on

A. Moment of a force

B. Inertia of motion

C. Frictional force

D. Principle of moments

Ans: B


Q95. The motion of a body around a circular path is an example of

A. Uniform speed, variable velocity

B. Uniform speed, uniform velocity

C. Uniform velocity, variable acceleration

D. Uniform speed, uniform acceleration

Ans: A


Q96. The SI unit of electric current is:

A. Joule

B. Newton

C. Watt

D. Ampere

Ans: D


Q97. When a body is taken from the earth to the moon

A. Weight changes but mass remains the same

B. Mass changes but weight remains the same

C. Both weight and mass change

D. Both weight and mass remains same

Ans: A


Q98. For which of the following reasons a liquid drop tends to assume a spherical shape?

A. Gravitational force

B. Elastic force

C. Viscous force

D. Surface tension

Ans: D


Q99. Velocity of sound is maximum in which of the following medium?

A. Air

B. Metals

C. Polymer

D. Water

Ans: B


Q100. The blue color of water in the sea is due to

A. Scattering of blue light by water molecules

B. Absorption of other colors except blue by water molecules

C. Reflection of blue light by impurities in sea water

D. Reflection of blue sky by sea water

Ans: B




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